Advance Details

Earnings Source


RoyFi Fees


Payments Received


Advance Amount


Purchase Amount


Outstanding Balance

Advance Status




Sign Agreement


Awaiting funding




Fully Paid Off

Agreement Terms

Your advance amount is $NaN. This is the amount you will receive.

RoyFi fees are $NaN.

Your previous advance has an outstanding balance of $.

The total we will recoup is $NaN (Advance Amount + RoyFi fee + Previous advance balance)

Your catalog can not be moved while you have an outstanding advance balance.

RoyFi will collect your earnings until the advance is fully recouped.

Agreement File

Download Agreement

When you are ready, please download the agreement below and have it signed and notarized. Once completed, come back to upload your agreement.

Upload Agreement

Select your agreement file after it has been signed and notarized.

No file chosen

Signed agreement

Send for approval

Click the button below to send your agreement for final approval.

We will notify you once it has been accepted and the funding transfer is initiated.

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